Wedding Gifts

Many of you are travelling across Europe to celebrate with us, so your presence means the world to us and is all we ask for!

However, if you wish to make a contribution towards our life together, a cash gift would be very welcome. We’re very blessed to have a great home in Bradford to live in together, so we don't need things for our house. But getting a UK spouse Visa is more difficult and expensive than you’d think and Jonny’s car just died…

If you wish to contribute via bank transfer or Paypal before the big day, please see the details below. Of course, you can also bring gifts with you in May!


Jonathan Mansfield

Account No: 04639430 / Sort Code: 04-00-03 (Monzo)


Paypal /

Any gift, whether it’s your presence on the day or a contribution to our life together is so appreciated!